Sludge Management & Control, LLC

A Sludge & Wastewater Management System

“We Make It Simple” By killing 99.96% of the pathogens in:

Municipal Waste • Industrial Waste • Animal Waste

Savings & Benefits

Huge Savings & Benefits.
ALL with ZERO capital investment from our customers!

Reduce your costs

10% – 20% Reduction in cost


100% of waste can be used for commercial purposes


No capital investment required.


No Liability

Our sludge management system eliminates the liability of Class B sludge

No Equipment

We require ZERO CAPITAL to convert to our patent-pending system


We process sludge in one quick, fast and simple process*


Dewatered sludge can be used on farms, landscaping, compost, mulch, and topsoil


Dewatered sludge is converted to Class A sludge in minutes

No Maintenance

There is no maintenance for you going forward, it’s all on us

Less Truck Traffic

No need to truck your liquid sludge around town


Our dewatered sludge can also be used as a Fertilizer

∗ Patent Pending – Class B to A Conversion System